7 Reasons to Add Podcasting to Your Business Marketing
Presented by: Idiot Radio Network
Most businesses need to be made aware of the increased online visibility that podcasting can provide. Your podcast could be in front of millions of iTunes listeners if you have made an iTunes compatible RSS podcast feed; multiple Blog directories or specialized podcast ping directories Verify that the major podcast ping directories receive a ping every time you add a new show to your podcast RSS feed.
Additionally, the search engines will look at the RSS podcasting feed and spider the show notes that are tied to your podcast as well.
Here are 6 of the 7 reasons that your business should be podcasting and some of the business benefits that you could derive from a properly executed podcast...
1. Increase your marketing reach and online visibility
2. Improve your sales & conversion rates
3. Regular line of communication with subscribed listeners
4. Value-added content increases loyalty
5. Industry news and trends set you apart from the competition
6. Interviews with leaders in your particular niche will establish your business as a respected leader in your niche or industry.
You can get the 7th reason and learn even more about using podcasting as a business marketing tool by emailing
idiotradionet@gmail.com for more info.
Most businesses need to be made aware of the increased online visibility that podcasting can provide. Your podcast could be in front of millions of iTunes listeners if you have made an iTunes compatible RSS podcast feed; multiple Blog directories or specialized podcast ping directories Verify that the major podcast ping directories receive a ping every time you add a new show to your podcast RSS feed.
Additionally, the search engines will look at the RSS podcasting feed and spider the show notes that are tied to your podcast as well.
Here are 6 of the 7 reasons that your business should be podcasting and some of the business benefits that you could derive from a properly executed podcast...
1. Increase your marketing reach and online visibility
2. Improve your sales & conversion rates
3. Regular line of communication with subscribed listeners
4. Value-added content increases loyalty
5. Industry news and trends set you apart from the competition
6. Interviews with leaders in your particular niche will establish your business as a respected leader in your niche or industry.
You can get the 7th reason and learn even more about using podcasting as a business marketing tool by emailing
idiotradionet@gmail.com for more info.
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